2011-12-07 00:36:45 UTC
This has been sent to a Canadian black man (10.5" Top into rough
f**king) of 29yo who has NO POZ, NO ASIAN, NO WINKS in his Manhunt
I wasn't implying that you were American or African (someone like you
does not exclude Canadians and the privilege it gives as part of the
Commonwealth; other than the opportunity slavery gave to blacks, is
there any country ruled by them that you could be proud of?) but making
a comment about a history of a disease.
You have been disparaging and insulting of remarks that we live on an
island where there is an onus of responsibility for the COMMONWEALTH to
protect its citizens and therefore ought to have had the effective means
in place for the detection and prevention of any transmission of a
disease as entry into this country to the detriment of its population.
That is a consideration which must be made before onus moral, ethical or
otherwise is placed on any subsequent individual responsibility as
values held and actions.
I am the author of the www page and which is
an attribute of soul, connecting the temporal to infinity and more
besides. LOL!
I have taken this action towards you as a result of offence to the
unnecessary acrimony as hatred and vitriol directed towards me. In
effect my belief system is so robust, that it has, as a weapon the
ability to confront and annihilate another's belief system by a
rebuke--by standing in opposition to them, you deny them the opportunity
to subscribe to that belief: at some point in their life matters of soul
and eternity come mind as issues of circumstance and merit, they will
then know what they do not have. They will find no equal, or greater
clarity to that which they have lost.
That is such a beautiful object as an accomplish of mind, it was
sufficient cause for one of my many lovers yesterday--who ejaculated
within 3 minutes, to exclaim (and by lengthy message) a delight and
determination for further occasions of my company.
Whilst this model gives me an absolute confidence about my hope for
eternity, it also grants me the capacity to either include or exclude
all others.
And you will never have peace of mind about such matters of soul.
So enjoy your life whilst it remains and whatever endowment and faculty
nature has bestowed upon you whilst it lasts and before dysfunction sets in.
I today had a discussion with the 3rd party engaged in group sexual
activity known as "wicked f**king (sex)" with a person who subsequently
took their life, which is mentioned on my www-page.
I said, "I actually spoke to one of Gary Kennedy's closer friends in the
last day or so.
And I shared with him aspects of my work with respects to inclusion of a
mention of Gary in my Homily and Mens Rea chapters.
He found those ideas (support for gay/lesbian marriage, the terminus of
Islamic extremist conduct and warfare, Heidegger's errors and
contribution to anti-semitism) very interesting and was NOT in any way
distressed as you were in my sharing a photo of Gary and myself engaging
in a sexual act.
He found the picture very hot and agreed that he had lots of wicked
f**king with Gary.
It would seem, your opinion was closed, narrow and a denial of a
person's need to share their common experiences."
He said, "Please do not contact me anymore."
I said, "I knew you wouldn't cope with the fact that there are people
who are more sophisticated and superior to you.
And neither should our lives be impugned by people of small minds.
How does it go boy? Roger that. I measure every word which comes out of
my mouth and this one has come back full circle."
That person had previously failed to give me at my insistent request a
"Roger that" acknowledgement in closure, and an acceptance of an action
I had taken to destroy a video of that individual of a "personal and
private" nature--today that matter is now closed.
I conveyed that additional story, because it gives me that fresh daily
certainty, that your recompense will come--there is sufficient acrimony
as vitriol and hatred conveyed by your statements as effective force and
intent, one may form a firm belief that such a day will surely come and
you will not escape it's consequence to you.
There is no apology from me about you now being f**ked over.
f**king) of 29yo who has NO POZ, NO ASIAN, NO WINKS in his Manhunt
I wasn't implying that you were American or African (someone like you
does not exclude Canadians and the privilege it gives as part of the
Commonwealth; other than the opportunity slavery gave to blacks, is
there any country ruled by them that you could be proud of?) but making
a comment about a history of a disease.
You have been disparaging and insulting of remarks that we live on an
island where there is an onus of responsibility for the COMMONWEALTH to
protect its citizens and therefore ought to have had the effective means
in place for the detection and prevention of any transmission of a
disease as entry into this country to the detriment of its population.
That is a consideration which must be made before onus moral, ethical or
otherwise is placed on any subsequent individual responsibility as
values held and actions.
I am the author of the www page and which is
an attribute of soul, connecting the temporal to infinity and more
besides. LOL!
I have taken this action towards you as a result of offence to the
unnecessary acrimony as hatred and vitriol directed towards me. In
effect my belief system is so robust, that it has, as a weapon the
ability to confront and annihilate another's belief system by a
rebuke--by standing in opposition to them, you deny them the opportunity
to subscribe to that belief: at some point in their life matters of soul
and eternity come mind as issues of circumstance and merit, they will
then know what they do not have. They will find no equal, or greater
clarity to that which they have lost.
That is such a beautiful object as an accomplish of mind, it was
sufficient cause for one of my many lovers yesterday--who ejaculated
within 3 minutes, to exclaim (and by lengthy message) a delight and
determination for further occasions of my company.
Whilst this model gives me an absolute confidence about my hope for
eternity, it also grants me the capacity to either include or exclude
all others.
And you will never have peace of mind about such matters of soul.
So enjoy your life whilst it remains and whatever endowment and faculty
nature has bestowed upon you whilst it lasts and before dysfunction sets in.
I today had a discussion with the 3rd party engaged in group sexual
activity known as "wicked f**king (sex)" with a person who subsequently
took their life, which is mentioned on my www-page.
I said, "I actually spoke to one of Gary Kennedy's closer friends in the
last day or so.
And I shared with him aspects of my work with respects to inclusion of a
mention of Gary in my Homily and Mens Rea chapters.
He found those ideas (support for gay/lesbian marriage, the terminus of
Islamic extremist conduct and warfare, Heidegger's errors and
contribution to anti-semitism) very interesting and was NOT in any way
distressed as you were in my sharing a photo of Gary and myself engaging
in a sexual act.
He found the picture very hot and agreed that he had lots of wicked
f**king with Gary.
It would seem, your opinion was closed, narrow and a denial of a
person's need to share their common experiences."
He said, "Please do not contact me anymore."
I said, "I knew you wouldn't cope with the fact that there are people
who are more sophisticated and superior to you.
And neither should our lives be impugned by people of small minds.
How does it go boy? Roger that. I measure every word which comes out of
my mouth and this one has come back full circle."
That person had previously failed to give me at my insistent request a
"Roger that" acknowledgement in closure, and an acceptance of an action
I had taken to destroy a video of that individual of a "personal and
private" nature--today that matter is now closed.
I conveyed that additional story, because it gives me that fresh daily
certainty, that your recompense will come--there is sufficient acrimony
as vitriol and hatred conveyed by your statements as effective force and
intent, one may form a firm belief that such a day will surely come and
you will not escape it's consequence to you.
There is no apology from me about you now being f**ked over.