Don't tell me the Pope's visit to Cuba, has been postponed because he
has caught the flu or is the State paying for his tourism?
When is Cardinal George Pell going to begin his public repentance
against the prejudiced conduct directed towards me, perpetuated by such
voluntary act and a determined will against the parliament, all Law and
Authority of the Sovereign Crown of the Commonwealth of Australia?
“WOE to him who says to a father, ‘What will you beget?’ Or to a woman,
‘With what will you be pregnant?’
Thus says the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and he that prepared him?
‘You ask before me of things that are about to come, and will you
command me concerning my people and concerning the deed of my might?
By My Memra made the earth, and created man upon it; By My Might
stretched out the heavens and founded all their forces.
I will bring him openly in truth, and I will prepare all his ways; he
shall build my city and set the exiles of my people free, not for price
or mammon,’ says the LORD of Hosts.
Thus says the LORD: ‘The labour of the Egyptians and the merchants of
Ethiopia {blackness; heat} and Seba {a drunkard; that turns}, men of
business, shall come out to you and be yours, they shall follow your
word; they shall come over in chains and worship you.
They will beseech from you and give thanks, saying, ‘In truth, God is
with you, and there is not other God besides him.’
In truth, you are God, who made your Shekhinah dwell in the strength of
the height, O God of Israel {he who sees God; who prevails with God},
All of them are put to shame and confounded, those who served images go
in confusion together.
But Israel is saved by the Memra of the LORD with everlasting salvation,
you shall not be put to shame or confounded to all eternity.
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (he is God!); who
founded the earth and made to--he established it; he did not create it
for nothing, but he established it to increase the sons of men upon it!
‘I am the LORD, and there is no other. I did not speak in secret in a
place of a land of darkness; I did not say to the seed of the House of
Jacob {that supplants, undermines; the heel}, ‘Seek my fear for nothing.’
I the LORD speak truth, declaring what is right.’” [zen: 2, row: 9, col:
8 @ 1990 The Order of Saint Benedict, Aramaic Targum of Isaiah {the
salvation of the Lord} 45:10-19]
Post by Alan FerrisOn the Couch: The bigotry of Rick Santorum and Catholic Church
Mar 7 2012 By Johanna Sartori
This week counsellor and psychotherapist Johanna Sartori debates the
position of the head of the Catholic Church in Scotland and US
presidential candidate Rick Santorum on same sex marriage.
I’m not gay and I’m not catholic, and boy is that a good thing because
I can’t see how it is possible to be both.
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph this week, Cardinal Keith O’Brien
revealed himself to be a doctrine driven fantasist, with no
understanding for human relationships. A fact that is probably not
surprising given that he is the celibate head of the Catholic Church
in Scotland; what has surprised me however was the amount of people
who seem to agree with him on the Telegraph website. (Well, suppose it
is the Telegraph)
I suspect that Cardinal O’Brien would get on well with another
outspoken catholic, Rick Santorum, currently running for the
Republican nomination in America. Santorum has suggested that
“religious people” have a constitutional right to discriminate against
gay people, and for good measure, will annul any same sex marriages
already standing if elected president. This seems to sit well with the
Cardinal’s assertion that same-sex unions are “madness” and a
“grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right”.
What does that mean? If you are gay you relinquish your human rights
and become some sort of second class citizen, to be openly
discriminated against? I’m sorry, this is not about religion, this is
bigotry of the oldest kind, and it comes from fear.
It seems to me that the Cardinal and the politician, despite their
faith do not believe that we are all created equal, but that they are
in fact quite a bit more equal than other sectors of society.
Narcissistic, but also insecure, they are unable to tolerate
difference, and see it as a threat, which cannot therefore be
There is also a strong thread of denial in both these men; Cardinal
O’Brien described the idea of same sex marriage as an attempt to
“redefine reality”, “at the behest of a small minority of the
population”. Well, the reality is that homosexuality exists, has done
for centuries and will continue to do so. I think that the biggest
denial of all is the refusal to believe that a family has to have a
man and a woman at its head to be acceptable.
I can honestly say that all of the abused, neglected and emotionally
injured clients I have ever worked with have been raised in
heterosexual relationships. Children need love, attention, attunement
and security; none of which are dependent on the gender of their
Another defence mechanism described by Freud was that of reaction
formation; this works by behaving in a way that is opposite to the
true impulses that feel too dangerous to be acknowledged.
I think it would be lazy to suggest that Cardinal O’Brien and Rick
Santorum repel any suggestion of homosexuality, because it is at heart
what they feel themselves to be; but on the other hand what are we to
make of them, that they are just bigoted, judgemental individuals? Hm,
I guess so.
Today God and me got together, to decide a demise he would bring about
for me in such a comprehensive & shocking manner that it would startle
even the indifferent & drive them to action--excepting rampaging
Islamists protesting over tarnished books. He made them silent & afraid,
stunned by the spectacle of what it means to have God with me.
We fought against the Catholic Church today. Defeated them as no other
man has ever done-a religious belief as substantial reality, vital
effectiveness & the substance so grand & capable to touch that no man
would ever venture to call it delusional & the grounds to lock one up &
never let them free.
I am here today out of respect for your authority which is implied by a
letter dated 23 February 2012 and purportedly from the Acute Care Team
at Saint Vincent's Hospital.
Wherein it states: "We appreciate that you have already met with members
of the St. Vincent's Acute Care Team who have met with you at your home.
However due to the nature of recent events we require you to also meet
with our medical officer."
What do you mean by the phrase "due to the nature of [what] recent events?"
As I have already addressed the false characterisations as unfounded
assertions that my conduct was aggressive or that it unreasonably
threatened another person. Other than to assert that there is a
continuing failure by Dr Mark Bloch to provide the substance of his past
objections to my writings which he has misrepresented by slanderous
characterisations and made false claims of threatening behaviour.
In the circumstance of finding a person so committing, there does exist
a power of arrest as an authority which I have conveyed to him. Since I
had at the time sought legal advice who spoke via telephone with the
attending police whom I had called--the matter was resolved by Dr Mark
Bloch alleging a trespass and I was subsequently escorted off the premises.
Had there been at the time, sufficient grounds as cause to subject me to
involuntary assessment under the Mental Health Act, this would have
occurred--however there was unequivocally no grounds for such action as
legal authority.
There have now been 5 attempts since 16 February 2012, by several
individuals to overtake my autonomous and intellectual rights in the
pursuit of the natural course of justice within my various complex legal
matters concerning the demeaning of my implicit dignity as simplicity of
being and free-will as a person of Dutch / Friesian descent. With
respects to others as prejudiced conduct, have made hysterical
mischaracterisation of me and whom in their self infatuation as claimed
superiority--are delusional, in having no desire to become informed (or
educated) about their abject ignorance.
On each occasion this contact has been made, I have had to refute the
false and mischievous claim, my conduct was something other than
rational, in being aggressive or threatening in some way. And I have
found that in every instance, the person making such enquiry of me by
false assertions are not themselves aware of my two letters of 10 and 19
January 2012 as the clear and unambiguous indication given that Dr Mark
Bloch is making continuing refusal to answer for his past unethical,
unaccountable and deliberative conduct over similar false claims that
were the insubstantial cause for my previous involuntary admission
occasioning forcible entry into my home and arrest. I have said, that
this continued failure would result in me pursuing legal action with
eagerness and without regret.
Are you aware of the existence of those two letters as the substantive
cause and justification for my actions--if you are not so aware, what
obstruction has occurred that such information has been continually
This continued refusal and perhaps obstruction by him as the basis of a
continued deliberative distortion of my conduct, are the grounds for my
actions in confronting him at his office and reading out the two
letters, as the legal claim made against him: "You have never had a
discussion with me as to why you have utilised my writings (made some 6
months prior) by making negative characterisations of them (as
threatening of an individual some 700 km away) and the [insubstantial]
grounds for arrest and involuntary lodgement in a psychiatric facility
for 3 weeks whilst my objections could be made.
You have even feigned a genuine concern--which may be dismissed as
nothing more than narcissistic self gratification as part of your
intrinsic personality obsessed with indulgence.
That those writings were given to you because of your Jewish
heritage--in the mistaken belief that you wouldn't have a perverse lack
of respect, poor knowledge and regard for discourse on the
philosophical/theological grounds for gay/lesbian marriage rights and
the historical cause for the German Fascist holocaust."
There seems to be a difficulty (as racist conduct frequently directed
towards me by Australians) which portrays me as dispossessed of mind,
whenever I, as my entitlement and integrity of being as a person of
Dutch descent, knowing that the Commonwealth of 1901 was formed by
Letters Patent during the Boer War, rationally express an alternative
opinion as worldview.
My book which successfully does this, has now been served on Dr. Mark
Bloch and it painfully challenges your present worldview in such a
manner as to be now deposed of and destined to perish--It is threatening
only to the extent, that it is no longer possible for there to be any
alternative and positive Roman Catholic contributions to this worldview
as distortion of any benevolence and claimed plausible rational identity
and idealism essential for this country's century ANZAC celebrations.
The Government here I noted today has included some HIV related
medications on the PBS, effectively halving the cost of prescriptions.
The man at the cash register was so miffed and officious by such loss,
that I had to keep telling him, I couldn't hear him properly.
I had to repeat it so many times, that I thought it cruel.
He was so preoccupied with passing off his germs from his nasal
excretions--because he just had to blow his nose, and that performance
caused him to miscalculate the amount of change due.
Which was short by $1 and he had to accept my view as right--being
unable to give any account for his immediate actions, and couldn't deny
my testimony.
“Sexist Racist comments on Facebook by ADF yet again?” [3 March 2012,
Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court Australia @ ***]
In my early 20's I use to have some buddies who were Wing Commanders.
Beyond that I've never in 50 years spoken to someone from the ADF.
Excepting for that young navy lad who asked me about Zeitgeist--So with
God on my side, I showed him what I thought it meant.
“Pauline Hanson was right, Don’t discriminate, tis better to hate
EVERYONE equally.” [3 March 2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court
Australia @ ***]
I'm from a different political spectrum from which Pauline Hanson is.
What I fight is Australian's indifference and disbelief--which pauses
only as you do now, to make invective which you think is informed comment.
“Does the ADF have a serious problem? Nope, just representative of the
white genocidal fuckwits.” [6 March 2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo
Court Australia @ ***]
Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Whose he describing with such scrawl,
And lack of any wherefore all?
But himself--what a pall!
Having noted yesterday morning, that there was closed off the War
Memorial Shrine, in Hyde Park and the quietness of the pool.
I saw that these had been unspoilt, excluding for the feathers on the
footpath, of the street fracas from the night before--the trash was all
gone: with one or two laying here or there.
To one I blew kisses--Happy Mardi Gras as if to say: Thanks for the invite!
And to the another, I said, good effort by you all! But you together
didn't do as well as me--I left over 1 billion bereft of their belief.
I had just touched the stones where deep foundations lay--And bent down
to stir the still waters with my right hand.
Then walked through the birds, who can give testimony: excepting one
sitting alone!
They did not panic, nor did they rush and went my way!
"Does the ADF have a serious problem? ADF got feck[ed] up the ass on the
Collins class submarines and F-35's so whats new, when ya lick asses.”
[6 March 2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court Australia @
No, I think I had a mate who worked on that.
Someone said to me Today: “Hey man its Saint Nick {victory of the
people} what’s the go with that msg? Don’t understand this my new no.
You have me mistaken with the introduction from [the] J[ust D]e[a]d.
I don’t play games like the J[ust D]e[a]d and his childish mates my
association with him has stopped and as far as I am concerned I would
like to not be placed by you as having anything 2 do with him please.”
I said, “There is no further association between us, and I thought I
made that clear.
Go your way and I will go mine--I am pursuing matters of such gravity
which I do not want someone like the J[ust D]e[a]d to interfere with.
Because he is too fucking stupid. [Goodbye Miss Miriam {rebellion}]”
Someone said to me Today: “Ok sweet just sounded like you threatened me.”
I said, “No it was not a threat directed towards in any way--I sent it
to you by accident because of your entry in my address book.
And you were the only person to respond with civility.
I had sought to protect my friends from matters so grave, that all they
need to do was show a peaceable attitude towards me--as their protection.
And whilst you could so easily, they could not.
My matters don’t involve you, but they’ll become public soon.
Have a great day mate. And thank-you.”
Someone said to me Today: “You ok man?”
I said, “I am now mate. But sad, at the loss.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: "Oh I love this.
It’s lovely xxxx
I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back.
I asked "why?" ... The angel said: "angels don't watch over angels!"
Twenty angels are IN your world.
Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this
message...Send this to ten friends including me if I don't get it back I
guess I'm not one of them.
As SOON as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise
you xxxx ;) please read . . . Not joking . . .YOU have been struggling
with something.
A blessing is coming your way.
If you believe in karma send this message on, please don't ignore it,
you are being tested.
Karma is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight xxx"
I sighed, "Here's Karma for you!"
Bill Steele (*** “Your omnipotence duly noted.” [In
newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality,
alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic, alt.atheism, ca.politics]
“An idea is like a virus, bitch...It eats at you, and gnaws away at your
soul. Pauline Hanson was right, Why discriminate, tis better to hate
EVERYONE equally...except the genocidal [A]frikaneers, they deserve a
stake up their asses.
They think everyone is their bitch prostitute Shane Dowling.” [5 March
2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court Australia @
I have informed VEDA Advantage Information Services and Solutions ABN:
26 000 602 862 by email dated 6 March 2012: “This is to advise you that
there has not been an adequate response by your organisation to this
request on 18 January 2012 made against Telstra Corporation.
A disparity of any regard for their completion of the investigation is
most apparent when viewed in conjunction with a previous reported matter
on 8 November 2011 and concluded 9 December 2011.
If they do don't reply within 24 hours--ANY OBSTRUCTION TO RESOLUTION OF
Following such elapse of 24 hours, this guilt will also, without fear or
favour be imputed towards yourselves. Your Urgent requirement to now
provide a status of the investigations can be made by email or telephone.
[They have also] suggested that “religious people” have a constitutional
right to discriminate against gay people, and for good measure, [they no
doubt] will annul any same sex marriages already standing if [any of
them are ever] elected [to office]. This [also would] seem to sit well
with [some Catholic] Cardinal’s assertion that same-sex unions are
“madness” and a “grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human
What does that mean? If you are gay you relinquish your human rights and
become some sort of second class citizen, to be openly discriminated
against? I’m sorry, this is not about religion, this is bigotry of the
oldest kind, and it comes from fear.
It seems to me that the [Catholic] Cardinal and the politician, despite
their faith do not believe that we are all created equal, but that they
are in fact quite a bit more equal than other sectors of society.
Narcissistic, but also insecure, they are unable to tolerate difference,
and see it as a threat, which cannot therefore be tolerated.
There is also a strong thread of denial in both these men; [Some
Catholic] Cardinal described the idea of same sex marriage as an attempt
to “redefine reality”, “at the behest of a small minority of the
population”. Well, the reality is that homosexuality exists, has done
for centuries and will continue to do so. I think that the biggest
denial of all is the refusal to believe that a family has to have a man
and a woman at its head to be acceptable.” [On the Couch: The bigotry of
Rick Santorum and Catholic Church , By Johanna Sartori, 7 March 2012]
Nous: #1
Time: 23:05 hrs
Date: 2012.3.7
Torah: #60 #10 #9 %81 = #79
Dao: To Guide with Names, Reason's Realisation
Tetra: #24 - Joy
I-Ching: H58 - Joy
Latin: Laetabundus {God the hope of all creatures} Alt: Hacheshyah
{Silence of God} {
4. Chontachre
Enosh {Husband, (certain, mortal) man; sick; despaired of; forgetful}
In this regard, as my letter to him of 19 January 2012, conveys: "I was
in fact affronted by the lack of dignity afforded to me by a young and
new pathologist assistant who in treating me as less than human because
he felt threatened by my personality as intrinsic character of being
which I exuded--demanded the presence of a third party whilst blood
samples were taken. I objected to this at the time by exclaiming: "Get
this fascist dog away from me" and then refused to pay my bill in
relation to the medical attendance immediately earlier--for what I
thought was a closure of the matter.
That I can properly sustain such a comment as ardent and informed view
held by me and I do not regret it. And there is without any semblance of
doubt, a continuing festering antagonism as incompatibility between
myself and their view of religious identity and gay/lesbian idealism, of
gay identity and fundamentally what it means to be Australian--in part
this to their lack of a proper recognition of essential principles of
state or religious belief and any appreciation as sense of
accomplishment regarding individual liberty which I have obtained as a
victory and an intellectual property.
The source of this antagonism can be more appropriately defined as a
racialism associated with my Dutch identity and the confrontation which
disclosure as discussion over the implications of my metempirical
research brings to some persons. For example, in conveying my
considerations for the preparation of this document in anticipation of
this our meeting--I had found that they had entered into such a state of
fear which rendered them incapable of speech. In confirming this later
that person said to me: "Sorry I have been distant over the last 24
hours. Just started anti-depressants and trying to manage side effects.
Have some major person issues I am trying to sort through. At times I go
into my cave as an escape driven by fear. Give me time please."
This characteristic of an unsettled mind and an anxiousness of being
over my activities as intellectual pursuit also manifested in another
female (I think Irish) at this same Holdsworthy House Pathology to whom
I had earlier disclosed aspects of metaphysical research--the only way
for her to deal with the reality of one day being accountable to Dutch
sensibilities was to be isolationistic, contemptible and diminutive of
it as less than wholesome. It attempts by this to avoid the label of
unbridled racism by characterising the brilliance of my life work and
the vitality of speech as unsoundness of mind.
On the basis of this racist prejudice as loathsome conduct, this person
then engaged in avoidance of me--which by necessity of her own depravity
as appalling character of being, then requires some justifying
verbalisation as an unfounded mischaracterisation made of me towards her
colleagues. Which is then given concordance and soon accepted as fact,
simply by the requirement for her colleagues to act in her stead.
Does your request for me to attend here today relate in any way to the
event of 16 February 2012 as my desire to contest unresolved issues with
Dr Mark Bloch of Holdsworthy House, 32a Oxford Street, Darlinghurst
before pursuing a legal action--the value of such an early contest over
unresolved issues, is that this tactic is a lawful recourse and has the
capacity to reduce the otherwise high costs associated with pursuing
justifiable and sustainable claims made against recalcitrant parties
whose burdensome and loathsome conduct which possesses no intrinsic
merit, then involves additional cost. But if one persists, in having
exhausted all opportunities by obtaining an adequate explanation, the
subsequent cost of obtaining the legal resources for a determination as
judgment in the matter, is then likely to be born by the other party.
Are you or anyone else now suggesting or continuing to assert that my
conduct was aggressive and threatening of Dr Mark Bloch in any way?
I had made it abundantly clear to Dr Mark Bloch that my conduct was
intentioned to contest of matters for which a legal recourse was being
pursued and was being made in regard to his continued failure to respond
to my letters to him of 10 and 19 January 2012 over an obstruction by
him, which denied me a fair and equitable judicial process as tribunal
hearings, and manifestly is reliant on a hysteria as distortions of my
statements and which attempt to coerce the inconsequential into the
dramatic--and then this is transformed into action.
My outrage on the first occasion I was subject to such a scurrilous
approach to involuntary admission as perverse contrary conduct is that
the justification for such action, is only reliant on their observations
made of my initial reaction to being subjected to a brutal, unrestrained
and unaccountable incursion into my tranquility by malformed and
malicious characterisation of my conduct.
Calmness is constructive of good. Agitation is destructive of good. I
should not rush into action. I should first "be still and know that He
is God." Then I should act only as God directs me through my conscience.
Only trust, perfect trust in God, can keep me calm when all around me
are agitated. Calmness is trust in action. I should seek all things that
can help me to cultivate calmness. To attain material things, the world
learns to attain speed. To attain spiritual things, I have to learn to
attain a state of calm.
In my 18 January 2012 statement of complaint made to VEDA said the
following, “I have recently been advised of your removal of an adverse
credit reference made by Soul Communications as a consequence of my past
termination in November 2007 of an ADSL Internet Service Agreement with
them and of their providing a credit to my account.
You have said by letter dated 19 December 2011: “We wish to advise we
have deleted the Soul Communication overdue account dated 29 April 2009,
as the accuracy of the entry could not be verified.”
In the course of this process, I was advised of the full contents of my
Credit Reference File and note the following reference which I would
also dispute:
10 April 2007 by Telstra Credit Management, it was advised that a
Telecommunication account reference 5811810300 was overdue due by $708
to a pay default and that this account was paid in full on 27 June 2007.
I produce a bill dated 20 January 2007 number A 816 191 880-0 for that
amount which is in fact a work of fiction--firstly because the mailing
address of PO BOX 657 MAFFRA VIC 3860 was not used by me till after this
date. This mailbox a year later, ceased any longer to be used by me.
That the account fell into disputation and default, is due entirely to a
failure by Telstra to provide:
a) A Macintosh client for their ADSL services, the Windows client was
returned the same day--in fact at that time, Telstra did not support
Macintosh computers
On 23 October 2006 I emailed Telstra Bigpond Services and advised that I
had recently signed up for a Macintosh client version of Broadband ADSL,
however, I found that Telstra misrepresented the fact that they only [at
that time] provided Windows based clients--that the customer is
subjected to further detriment by having to negotiate overseas technical
support services.
This is supported by letter to Customer Services dated 16 April 2007
b) Any technical services to assist in the transition from dialup
asynchronous services to ADSL and to prevent the process of termination
of those existing services, given a failure by Telstra to provide the
correct technical resources to enable this be made operational.
c) A clear statement of account. This was either deliberately with-held
by Telstra or destroyed by prejudiced conduct by a 3rd party as the
deliberate interference with my mail by the post master at the community
convenience store who provides those services in addition to being a
general store.
d) That this lack of community empathy as misplaced Australian
nationalistic jingoism was sufficient grounds for my obtaining a private
mail box and after 2 years of inhospitality by those persons, to leave
the area.
e) As the letter from Telstra dated 22 May 2007 indicates, attempts were
made by to resolve the situation of the frustration with my BigPond
Account BP00514739 and there was a reluctance as deliberative conduct by
James Carwardine to cause further inconvenience to me by failing to
attend to the matters as cause for my complaint in writing and resolve
any issues about a lack of a statement of account.
f) Numerous attempts were made to resolve the outstanding issue by
attendance at the Telstra Countrywide store situated at 88-94
Cunninghame Street, Sale and spoke to a representative their by the name
of Dianna who contacted technical support services but was unable to
rectify the circumstance given the goods had been returned and I refused
to accept by way of resolution their requirement for me to accept
delivery of the ADSL modem, pay fees due for entering into the contract
and telephone Macintosh support services which were not readily available.
And it was only resolved by my demanding a statement of account which
was paid on receipt. The lack of viability of this Telstra Countrywide
store was itself recognised by Telstra, and it was subsequently closed.
g) Whilst this account totalling $708.32 has been paid when received at
my mail address of PO BOX 657 MAFFRA VIC 3860, there is a requirement
for a further refund of $189 for the returned modem plus $29.95 for
HiBIS/Broadband Connect ADSL 500MB 256/64, totalling $218.95.
The grounds for this claim of prejudiced conduct Telstra, its staff and
3rd Parties is made on the basis that this same post master has
displayed vehement opposition as steadfast lack of empathy to my 25
April 2006 ANZAC Day protest against the pornography which was the
deceased Private Jake Kovco's perverse premeditated conduct as otherwise
inconsequential life (as a local resident from the area) in making a
video documentary of his military service as self-promotion. As the
grounds for his reckless and intended behaviour (a serious misconduct)
by intension to frustrate accepted policy on disarmament in the company
of others and his overtly repulsive effeminate mannerism as contrivance
of gay identity by prancing in underwear. He terminated his life with a
bullet to the head in the absence of honour and dignity.
I am therefore referring my objection to VEDA Advantage to investigate
the matter and provide advice that this default of payment was due
entirely to a failure by Telstra to provide me with a Statement of
Account so that it could be paid--due to:
-- a failure by Telstra to provide such billing information
-- the interference by 3rd parties who objected strongly to my
protesting the perverse conduct of a deceased soldier who lived in that area
-- the fact that the delivery address for the 20 January 2007 Statement
of Account did not exist at the time and that it is a work of fiction to
suggest it did.
Following your investigations and the removal of this adverse reference
made by Telstra, legal action will be taken against the relevant parties
involved in conduct which caused my adverse credit references as
deliberative attempts to discriminate and deny me fair and equitable
access to goods and services.
Thank you for your assistance. They have responded on 7 March 2012 as
follows: “We refer to your correspondence dated 6 March 2012. Your
complaint is being handled by our Customer Relations Team where the
issue is being investigated.
We will respond to your request as soon as possible. Legislation allows
us [only] 30 calendar days to respond [which we know has elapsed],
however in some cases where it has not been possible to complete the
complaints review process within this timeframe, we will notify you in
writing that it has been delayed.”
The truth of the matter, is that while the police were forcibly entering
my premises my mind was tranquil and I was in a calm state. And this can
be corroborated by having exactly such a discussion with a 3rd party (a
media radio personality as a known homosexual who can no doubt speak up
at any time: Jamie Rowe.
I thought Jamie Rowe was discriminatory in the manner by which he
undertook his seeking of housemates with Gay Share-space was indulgently
disrespectful of the person's dignity as autonomic right, that
collectively these radio personality are by their fascist dog
commentary, not mindful of duty to State) over the phone at the
time--which I asked them to corroborate. I also called the Chief
Commissioner office with that same calmness of mind--it is therefore
dishonest to convey it as otherwise.
Defence Minister Stephen Swan in addressing the media on 7 March 2012,
over ADF shenanigans does raise some matters of parallelism and I do
note as advice in which I agree. Have u met my kangaroo Jingoist bitch
prostitute: Shane Dowling?
"We know what you mean by Faceless Men, Krudd, you anti-termite, errrrhm
semite.....Coz Mark Arsebib, is just an ass-licker.” [7 March 2012,
Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court Australia @ ***]
The dolt defamation on the Internet is going to come to an end!
“[With opposition] 101 [asks “Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its
hands in Australia?”] [7 March 2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court
Australia @ ***]
In this regard, at about 1840 hours on 19 February 2012, I had two
uniformed police from Kings Cross, namely Constable Peter Mullans and
Constable Alex Dews attended at my home address with two plain clothes
persons. A female who identified as Cherie Jenkins and another male
person who showed a reluctance to divulge his name as David Manley.
There was a reluctant and obscuring conduct by David Manley as a refusal
to convey to me his identity in my own home. This antagonism towards me
within my own home, demonstrated to me that there was here a committed
and determined agenda of which I was not being fully informed of.
I asked him upon what evidence as the grounds are they now reliant to
substantiate the claim that my conduct of 16 February 2012 constituted a
psychotic behaviour needing intervention as Dr Mark Bloch also
improperly asserted on that occasion.
I denied that my conduct was in any way aggressive and I produced to
those persons a medical record made by Dr. Diane Williams following my
attendance at the Sydney Hospital on 18 February 2012 following a
pedestrian/motor vehicle accident earlier that day which recorded the
following observations: "Calm and cooperative, answering questions
appropriately, alert and oriented."
As a consequence of David Manley's brief but uninformed statements about
my swollen left ankle which was injured by the car accident on 18
February 2012, I at my earliest convenience the next day at 8:00am,
again attended at the Sydney Hospital with the view of obtaining x-rays
and there was no evidence of acute fracture and a simple analgesia as
paracetamol/ibuprofen was recommended.
I also refused their request to further assessment as unnecessary as I
have full private medical insurance have an implied freedom to choose my
own doctor. I advised that I was under the regular care of a doctor for
which there existed a treatment plan and that my next appointment was
scheduled for the 28 February 2012 whereupon I was expectant to have my
stitches removed from my head.
I asked them if they wished to take a look at the current focus of my
informal research activity involving making a determination of
consciousness and cognitive intent which is implied by human speech.
However they declined this offer on the grounds that they were not
psychiatrists and therefore not equipped to examine any paradigms of
mind. As there were no continuing grounds for their involvement they
left and I then illustrated the feasibility of obtaining an idea of
cognition and conscious intent from narrative by memeBraining the
statement I had made to Constable Mullans previously.
I recently said to Sergeant Kate Baker of the NSW Police that with all
due respect I was a brevet Sergeant of Police at 24 years of age. And
that the name dolf had been adopted (as an identity because of
legislative changes which allowed name changes on the birth certificate)
whilst a member of the police service within the computer services
division--it was published as such in the Police Gazette.
I was the person who introduced the first six micro-computers into the
Victoria Police Service. That specialist areas such as the homicide
squad, were able to obtain any computing resources as their first
computer, was in some part due to ability by me to withstand any
organisational antagonism to the contrary.
And the same goes for Victoria's Bureau of Criminal Intelligence as
their first network implemented by a Detective Geoff Woodrow (where is
that man these days?)--he deployed the DOS based application
KnowledgeMan (Micro Data Base Systems: mdbs) at my recommendation and I
was most proud of his abilities.
That my present-day research into the existence of a noumenal reality
(the uncut block of Daoism or Celestial Hierarchy of Western governance
and religious belief) which was first surmised by Immanuel Kant.
Actually has its grounding in my former police service and interest in
mdbs' other product Guru as the bigger brother to the Knowledgeman
application and that being the notion of attributed time associated to
consciousness, the metaphysical origins of language having a
cosmological basis as grounding in the instance of time as rational PI
(22nd Priestly service of GAMUL (a recompense; camel) / 7 days of the
week @ Equinoctial on Wednesday 20 March 1996 / New Moon Thursday 21
March 1996) / ENNEAD, and of a desire to do further investigations into
memeBraining a recent Statement of a Witness document into Incident:
E47210203 which was made to a Constable Mullans of the NSW Police on 18
February 2012.
I illustrated the feasibility of memeBraining the statement to get some
idea of cognition and conscious intent to Constable Mullans on the
following day when he further attended at my home address at 6:40pm.
The view being, that it ought to have some relevance to the narrative
itself. Which he was at pains to ensure was not led by himself, but
articulated by me at his facilitation. And from there we ought to obtain
a very rich set of categories from which fuzzy logic tests can be made
as appraisals, to visualise the temporal areas where the steeping by
osmosis to inform the consciousness occurs within the time continuum and
determine whether it has any continuing empathy with the text of OATH (I
swear by Almighty God) being the Hebrew / Greek lexicon association by
Strong's Number to the actual Biblical Text.
To this end, I have today purchased the following O'Reilly Publications:
JavaScript Web Applications, (c) 2011 Alex MacCaw, JQuery Developer's
Guide to Moving State to the Client
JavaScript, (c) 2011 David Flanagan, The Definitive Guide: Activate Your
Web Pages
With the view of developing the memeBrain perspective by updating the
existing Grapple virtualisation cube prototype and functions to a
semantical equivalence as used by the JQuery Tool and to deploy it as a
layer to that architecture.
And from a cursory read of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, we can use
the enumeration() example to define our vMeme() as class object--this is
still work in progress, but none the less, the result of an enjoyable
memeBrain: Determining Consciousness and Cognitive Intent as Implied
by Human Speech
Author: Dolf Leendert Boek
Revision: 2012.02.22
// Example 6-1: Creating a new object that inherits from a prototype
// O'Reilly's Javascript The Definitive Guide 2011:119
function inherit(p) {
switch (true) {
case (p == null):
return {'71#14': "Type Error"};
case (Object.create):
return Object.create(p);
try {
if (typeof(p) != "object")
throw {s: 71, e: 14}; // Type Error
function f() {};
f.prototype = p;
return new f();
} catch (err) {
switch(true) {
case (err.s == 71 && err.e == 14):
return {'71#14': "Type Error"};
return {'15#69': "Unknown Error"};
// Example 9-7: Enumerated types in JavaScript
// O'Reilly's Javascript The Definitive Guide 2011:217
function createMeme(idea) {
// Dummy constructor
var createMeme = function() {};
// Enumerated values inherit from this object
var proto = createMeme.prototype = {
constructor: createMeme,
toString: function() { return; },
valueOf: function() { return this.value; },
toJSON: function() { return this.value; }
// Set the enumerated value data objects
createMeme.$names = [];
createMeme.$error = [];
createMeme.chronos = {};
createMeme.supernal = {};
createMeme.ego = {};
createMeme.male = {};
createMeme.female = {};
// Now create the instances of this new type
for (item in idea) {
var e = inherit(proto);
switch (true) {
case (typeof(e['71#14']) != "undefined"):
createMeme.$error[createMeme.$error.length] = [e['71#14'], ': ',
case (typeof(e['15#69']) != "undefined"):
createMeme.$error[createMeme.$error.length] = [e['15#69'], ': ',
case (item == "chronos"):
case (item == "supernal"):
case (item == "ego"): = item;
e.value = idea[item];
createMeme[item] = e;
createMeme.$names[createMeme.$names.length] = item;
case (item == "male"):
case (item == "female"):
e._name = item;
e.value = inherit(idea[item]);
createMeme[item] = e;
createMeme.$names[createMeme.$names.length] = item;
// A class method for iterating the instances of the class
createMeme.foreach = function(f, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.$names.length; i++), this[this.$names[i]]);
return createMeme;
var vMeme = createMeme({
chronos: null,
supernal: 342,
male: {
vBronze: 21,
vPurple: 26,
vRed: 42,
vBlue: 52,
vOrange: 57,
vGreen: 39,
vYellow: 68,
vCyan: 31,
vCoral: 6,
ego: 249,
female: {
vBronze: 21,
vPurple: 5,
vRed: 16,
vBlue: 10,
vOrange: 5,
vGreen: 63,
vYellow: 29,
vCyan: 44,
vCoral: 56
Additionally I had contact by telephone from a person named Greg who
also purported to be a nurse from St Vincent's Hospital--however as it
was a blocked number I conveyed to him such anonymous conduct really
wasn't in regard of me.
He again made the false and mischievous characterisation of my conduct
on 16 February 2012 as being threatening of Dr Mark Bloch and therefore
substantial--which I categorically denied. I said that I had demanded Dr
Mark Bloch give substantiation of what aspects of writing he found
objectionable and that his conduct constituted slander.
Once again he was making scurrilous and fictitious characterisations as
distortions that he was projecting at me as traumatising and vilifying
conduct which had no knowledge of the substantive reality to the
contrary--that I had delivered letters to Dr Mark Bloch requesting
evidence of the heretofore non-existent grounds for my initial arrest as
involuntary lodgement and that in the real absence of those grounds, I
was intent on pursuing legal action and that they were appraised of my
intentions as considered actions to contest the veracity as lack of
truthfulness inherent in Dr Mark Bloch's characterisations of me.
This same nurse again attended at my home in the company of a doctor
(identity unknown) at approximately 1143 hrs on 22 February 2012. We had
a further discussion via the intercom. I asked them to cease besieging
me and especially at home. As there was no immediacy as the substantive
and necessary grounds for their intervention beyond the fictitious and
pretentious claims of threatening behaviour which they have kept making
in the knowledge that it is false, as I have now repeatedly denied it.
Or are you wishing to now assail me in relation to other events as
unwarranted and undesired further disruption and interference in my
preparation of argumentation for other legal matters associated with the
preparation of my book (as evidence in support of those legal claims)
and research undertaken over the last 16 years?
I have previously on 21 May 2008 sought a voluntary consultation with Dr
Peter Sternhell who was a psychiatrist at Saint Vincent’s Hospital
following a referral from Dr Mark Bloch--I did so in order to determine
the appropriate course of legal action and priority to take in a number
of complex matters.
Whilst the psychiatrist was capable of making agreeable notes about
those matters which I would simply expand--his was a lack of awareness
of the details about my participation in the Kovco fiasco. Beyond
acknowledging my activism as having marked me out in some way, the
psychiatrist couldn't understand why I would be involved in a rainbow
sash protest against Kovco's effeminate conduct and by the same rainbow
sash worn in protests over refusal of Communion perpetuated by Cardinal
George Pell in 1998 and 2000.
And hence he then made irrational and dissonant associations as my
implied lack of lucid connectedness and the cause for a social
disconnectedness between myself and Kovco which he described by a
fiction: "Part of this related to the recent death of Private Jake Kovco
who had lived [in the same area] in the same time. Mr Kovco made
references to past childhood sexual abuse and Aaron saw this as
impacting on him--Aaron did not know him personally, but felt that his
in some way, impacted on him."
As my twin sister and I am now estranged over this issue as my ANZAC day
protest and her siding with Kovco's mother whom she knows personally is
the reason I will not even attend her funeral should she precede me.
The psychiatrist acknowledges the complexity of my unusual belief system
and the degree to which it affects his life, and on this basis he
considered me as having a delusional disorder. That is, he holds a very
complex system of beliefs that other people do not (or refuse to)
understand and which tends to impinge adversely on much of his life due
to his preoccupation with it. It also reflects his continuing antipathy
towards organisational religion, particularly the Roman Catholic Church.
Much of the antipathy, of course, has a justifiable basis, eg:
homophobic comments that are made in that it conflicts with the Church's
official teachings, a lack of clarity over holocaust denial, Pope
Benedict's obscurity over the 75th anniversary when the office of Holy
See signed the Concordant with the German Reich.
"Aaron spent much of today's interview telling me about the dispute with
the insurance company and referred often to a very complex philosophical
and metaphysical system he had developed. It involves use of number,
numerology, elements of Jewish Kabbalah, use of the lunar calendar and
the original Julian calendar."
"Due to the complexity of his ideas, I could not follow his reasoning.
He spoke at length about the dispute with the Insurer and described, in
part, a very complex philosophical and metaphysical system that he has
developed that involves numerology, ancient texts, and ancient Chinese
political treatise including the Dao Te Ching."
It is clear then that the statements made by the hospital's psychiatrist
are faulty, in being a conflict of values in support of the employer as
organisational religious ethos which fails to give any substantiation to
its prejudiced statements with respects to homosexuality and their
substantiated claims to religious belief as Christian identity and that
any reliance upon them is only based on hysteria--The psychiatrist
acknowledges that the "discrimination against me occurs because he is
Dutch and that people who are married with a religious faith are
automatically against him because he is also gay and HIV-positive. He
held these beliefs with absolute conviction."
I also hold with absolute conviction, that any evidence of a ritualised
act of marriage associated to Roman Catholic (and other Christian)
religious belief by person’s who have subjected me to any refusal as
attendance to my requests for action and closure in outstanding legal
matters--is to be now considered the prima facie grounds for any
prejudiced conduct towards me. You are not any longer free men in a
democracy but now slaves.
That the complexity of my unusual belief system is exaggerated by this
psychiatrist because it conveys a description of a ternary system of
number as an alternative to the binary (heteros) apparatus as the
philosophical/theological basis to the ecclesiastical practice of
marriage used by the Catholic Church. That if the psychiatrist himself
is married within a religious faith which includes the rite of
communion, then he subscribes to an equivalent complex system of belief
and idea as the basis of delusion is not foreign to him--as he claims.
Furthermore this complexity of belief which he claims is beyond his
understanding is equally a paradigm of mind related to psychiatry (and
the field of activity of the person for whom I wrote my paradigm),
Godhead and Governance of State and Church as theory of number and
metaphysical origins of language--my model provides a substantiation of
Christian identity and its perceived categories of the noumenal reality
as a technology which is entirely embedded within the Biblical narrative.
As such St Vincent's Hospital is a Roman Catholic Institution which is
operated by a religious order of nuns in accordance with its Catholic
values as a claim to a complex philosophical and theological belief
system and the basis for their claimed Christian identity. The
psychiatrist is therefore disingenuous and fallacious in his claim of my
having a delusional disorder on the basis of holding a belief and value
He would have us believe that whilst he organisationally participates in
a normality, which subscribes to a complex system of philosophical /
theological belief that he feels no obligation to describe or to
substantiate his understanding of (excepting as a paradigm of mind) such
belief and yet when I subscribe to an equivalent complex system of
philosophical / theological belief, this alternative reality he
describes as an incomprehensibility and an abnormal human condition.
My statement of fact, which you misinterpreted as a claim, is not in
error because it describes reality.
The subject matter, beyond the scope of belief, is not significant and
has no impact on the concept of belief versus an absence of belief.
Your attempt to manipulate the words brings further question into the
credibility of your claim because you are confirming that you are having
difficulty with simple clarity.
Saint Vincent's Hospital is hereby advised that I make a claim as a
homosexual to a complex philosophical/theological system of belief,
which is a substantiated claim to Christian identity that is fully and
rationally articulated. And which is not the basis of a delusional
disorder as this psychiatrist has falsely claimed as the cause for the
continuation of a culture of persecution as dominant character of life
within Australia--As the essential culture of opposition which is the
Catholic Church, its Institutions and its people as parasite.
Accordingly, this psychiatrist and Saint Vincent's hospital are to
provide an apology for its past persecutions and it’s traumatising
effect and those prejudiced actions by Cardinal Pell which have been
directed against my religious belief as philosophical/theological claim
to Christian identity and by that belief, I assert a claim to a
sovereignty of autonomy as a prerogative which is above that being
claimed by any member of the Catholic Church as their indulgence of a
tokenistic wafer, as no communion ever again between us.
That the Roman Catholic Church and especially the religious order which
operates, the Saint Vincent's Hospital cannot now make any substantiated
claim of Christian identity in the denial of my own belief and that they
are to cease making such misrepresented and false claims. Of course the
consequence of this will be a collapse of the religious order which owns
the hospital and all its property holdings will in due course to be
forfeited by the Church and provided in compensation to me for the
persecutions made by the Roman Catholic Church, its Institutions and its
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “Hi!”
dolf: “How are you doing?”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “I’m good thanks… How are you?”
dolf: “I’ve had one hell of a day.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “Sorry… You ok? What’s up?”
dolf: “It’s all in a day’s work mate--I’ve just put an end to the
Catholic Church, and in so doing created the opportunity for the
Commonwealth of Australia to be a Republic by deposing the Queen.
And nobody can say thanks!”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “Well that’s a pretty kick ass day.
I despise both. So thanks from me :)”
dolf: “You are welcome anytime--it’s true I have done so.
It’s a shocking reality for them.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “I’m sure but you’ve done us all a
dolf: “I spent 3hrs today pleading my cause in front of psychiatrists so
that they wouldn’t lock me up again due to persecutions by a gay doctor.
They did not appreciate that in justifying my claims over their wrongful
conduct, they then had a duty of restitution for such a crime and their
traumatising conduct in that perverse act.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “What can I say to that :)”
dolf: “My love for them has gone cold.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “Hehe me too now.”
dolf: “Not one of them has sufficient integrity for loyalty and neither
do I hold any dear enough to call friend.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “Both are corrupt.”
dolf: “Each seeks after his own.”
Traumatised of Elizabeth Bay 28 yo: “For sure!”
Tactical Advantage: “How was your weekend??”
dolf: “Very productive, I was overcome by a revelation, which I was able
to put into words.
Today I spent 3 hours with psychiatrists as Saint Vincent's Hospital,
pleading with them over my liberty so that they may understand the
extent, magnitude and gravity of my legal claim against the hospital (as
a Roman Catholic Institution) and of my authorities under the
Commonwealth which I have as a prerogative and the substantial (and not
a delusional) reality which others find most threatening. Their
inability or refusal to meet their obligations of substantiation to
justify what is now considered unlawful by them, has now given me the
lawful ability to take a determined, forceful and punitive action as
retribution against them.
I was able to walk out of the place happy in the knowledge that they are
at the very least aware of the trauma which resulted following my
experience of persecutions from Dr Mark Bloch and the hospital’s
consequential besieging conduct. By happenstance, a consequence of my
being struck by a motor vehicle on the day immediately after such lawful
and considered contest against this doctor’s deliberative distortions,
unethical and perverse conduct. Was the opportunity to obtain two
independent medical assessments to the contrary and in denial as
disqualification of Saint Vincent’s Hospital’s conduct. These
alternative medical opinions are distinguished by the absence of any
reference to the traumatic effect which was consequential to the
sustained injuries and clearly convey an alert, calm, responsive and
considered disposition.
The fascinating thing being, that Saint Vincent’s Hospital was acting
outside the permissibility of authority which the legislation grants as
power to effect an involuntary admission. That in the circumstance of
having obtained two independent medical opinions within 24 hours
following a car accident, as the contrary evidence of a calm disposition
and refutations of any threats tendered by evidence as to the
non-existent basis of the original claimed intent. That they do not have
an authority to besiege or to detain me in such a circumstance so as to
cause a person to be traumatised by such unrestrained and frenzied
conduct as theirs. And in having established that such criteria for
involvement as non existent, neither do they have any imperative to
compel me by a hand delivered notice, of the mandated requirement for an
attendance made on the false claim of a fresh criteria for assessment.
Which establishes that the hospital, had no remaining impetus as
legislative authority to detain, summons me to attend or effect my
involuntary surrender on what is only inconsequential justification and
rendered effectual by untruthful obstructions made of the lawful cause
and integrity of my action.
On five occasions there were attempts to scurrilously characterise the
conduct of intentioned behaviour with fictions. That I tested the extent
of the voluntary freedom which I had available to me against their
discretionary use of the permissibility of authority under the
legislation. And I did so by standing up and expressing a need to
leave--which in being told that I could not now do and had to remain,
suggested clearly that I was being improperly held as misuse of the
legislative authority.
I negotiated by verbal agreement, the terms of treatment for effecting
recovery as following: “They have agreed that my contesting the doctor’s
conduct is without grounds for intervention by them--that matter is
closed. And agreed with my suggestion, that I have been recently
traumatised by actions of others and that I ought to enjoy 3 months of
tranquil intervention co-ordinated via my General Practitioner.”
This becomes a test of ethical conduct as to the compliance given by the
Psychiatry Registrar Dr Lyn Chiem and as the senior Psychiatrist Dr
McGeorge, who has now placed himself into jeopardy as loss of career and
as a matter of public scrutiny. And consequently, by letter dated 29
February 2012 they have convincingly failed to dignify their conduct as
being lawful. Their response attempts to obscure by designating as
“strictly private and confidential” what is of vital public interest. In
that it not only fails to convey what was “discussed and agreed upon
from that appointment” but attempts to re-establish the priority
emphasis of which party has accountability for co-ordinating that care:
“You will continue to engage with Vincent’s Mental Health Services
through your case manager […] and we will liaise with your GP.” But
Saint Vincent’s Hospital has now been delivered a fatal blow which will
destroy their religious belief and it will cost them $millions in
My own doctor the next day, read the letters of demand which I made to
Dr Mark Bloch and queried why I had provided a copy to the Sydney
Holocaust Museum. In giving him a copy of my book on CD ROM, I remarked
of my capability to argue (as I do in one of my chapters) against the
German Philosopher Heidegger as the foremost philosopher of the 21st
century. Whilst the subject is too weighty and burdensome for 32yo
SexyGerman79 who fell silent, but had there been any infraction of
Jewish sensibilities, we would have heard the outrage. And there has
been none of which I have been made aware. He then brought up the
circumstance of the recent and extraordinary unrest as outrage which is
promulgated throughout the Muslim world--Well its already 10 years into
the war, and the Americans have only just now determined which “Shock
and Awe” tactic was the most effective way to prosecute the war. Then
you simply just fuck them over with a feigned sincerity as apology for
what was accidental in action. But is always known by its consequential
effect and the reality of it being viewed by others as an intentioned
evil malice.
Perhaps it is really just a consideration as evidence of the hypocrisy
which is intrinsic to Islamic religious belief, because there has been
no similar outrage about the sacrilegious character of my own cartoon
and surreal painting (self portrait) as a pillorying and polymorphic
crucifixion of Christ (1996). They may well find it one day, and whilst
this deification will surely offend Roman Catholics, who would consider
it a debasement of their most sacred symbols, and their cultural
response is a haunting reality which will never leave them. As they are
entirely adverse towards it as the single cause and a reminder to them
for the remaining term of their natural life, that theirs is a most
certain destiny and a rampage towards a final and an everlasting death.
It is entirely unknown as to whether this offends Islamic sensibilities
to the same heightened manner as the desecration of the Koran. It
firstly requires drawing their attention towards a knowledge of its
existence, before any determination of its effectiveness can be made.
I joked with him about what would likely to have happened yesterday and
whether I would have been involuntarily sectioned, if they had known,
that my singular intention was to effect a disdainful brutalisation of
them by the slaughter of the nuns who own the shop--And I proudly
expressed the view of its anticipated effectiveness, in being for them
an especially enhanced and grievous reality by virtue of the fact that
the Catholic nuns live within a worldview as delusional claim to
superiority, where they mistakenly believe there is no verity and surety
greater to their own belief. As they simply have no awareness of
something much greater than them. It therefore has the very real
capability of manifesting a most pronounced distress as uncontrolled
anxieties and palpitations. A loss of bodily function and breathing
control, an incapacity of speech and most probably resulting in death,
as my intentioned act of a most discomforting awareness of a loss of
soul. A judgement and revenge made against them. What do you think is
implied by the claim that I would effect a collapse and forfeiture by
the Catholic Religious Order, who have no remaining legitimacy within
Australian life?
I described to him, my well intentioned purpose, which I conveyed before
even beginning the 3 hrs of pleading my own cause of liberty with the
psychiatrists yesterday. I had sought to protect them (purposefully left
in draft disposition in that specific regard) in relation to the
mechanics of the document. And described it’s capability for manifesting
trauma as notionally equivalent to getting on the cross with Jesus. And
explained to them that whilst no harm was being intentioned towards
them. That should their sensibilities be moved to an empathy with my
representations, they should clearly convey their free accept of it. The
course of my presentation, would then focus on how the methodology, as
recourse to the habitual use of obstructions, which move one towards the
concealment of any intentioned process and instead having a reliance
upon scurrilous distortions of any immediacy and capability for threat
for actuality, has a mitigating effect on the permissibility of
authority under the legislation.
At one point I brought to their attention, the expressed need to avoid
the risky action of reading and consuming the document at too rapid and
careless rate. As you may unnecessarily enter into a painful anxious
state of fear which rendered them incapable of speech. That I was
responding to the outstanding matter of psychiatrist Peter Sternhell’s
slanderous characterisations of the substantial reality, vital
effectiveness and the substance of my own religious belief. The
improper, immodest and blasphemous characterisation by them, as being
irrational and delusional was often repeated without substantiation by
Dr. Meredith Stone (and I have seen her with child). To whom I have also
intentioned to effect a similar retaliation against those persons, as a
consequence to their slanderous, false and haughty characterisations of
me and my belief as delusional and as cause for their sado-masochistic
perversity to which I was then subject to their pleasure and the
pretence as beneficial claim of a therapeutic process. In having
furnished statements and these documents, in substantiation of my legal
entitlements and claim against Saint Vincent’s Hospital, theirs
similarly, is now a requirement as an accord with immediacy and a
priority towards an unequivocal awareness, of their obligation which is
without any further grounds for delay, as a requirement for them to
provide an accountability for their actions and in their absence any
credibility as lawful criteria to provide an apology and restitution for
their past and continuing persecutions. And they will afford me an
appropriate and sovereign dignity in the acknowledgement of the
superiority and correctness of my substantial claim to Christian belief
and over that which was previously claimed of Roman Catholic belief.
That until they all expire, every remaining Roman Catholic, from this
time forward will afford to me an appropriate dignity as my entitlement
which is attained by the sovereign basis of my substantiated claim to
Christian belief and identity--such recognition of my superiority over
the Roman Catholic Church and its fraudulent claims to Christian
identity is to be accompanied by an appropriate gesturing as bowing in
respect of my dignity and a verbalisation which acknowledges the majesty
of my triumph over you all.
"Stop bitching. Put in a complaint to HREOC based on lunacy/disability,
preferential Xment for Gooks.” [Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court
Australia @ ***]
You aren't worth quoting any further. The Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission have not dealt honestly with the complaints.
"My advice is EVERYONE agree what a loonie toonie yer are, yippity
yippider, thats all folks!" [Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court
Australia @ ***]
Such gibber is pathetic: Is it possible that you enter into some realism
as coherence in concordance towards unity of being and complete a sentence?
And in the circumstance where there is a claim as deposition of the
Sovereign Autonomy (the Monarchy) made in relation to being Christian as
Religious Identity and their usage of marriage as the transformative
prototype and binary apparatus which is overthrown by a ternary number
paradigm as justifications for Gay and Lesbian Marriage.
There is then the question above that of treason--as the theory proposed
that they have in the circumstance: NO IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION AND NO
That my religious sensibilities have a priority as sovereign prerogative
that is above your own, which will cease and that you recognise and
acknowledge I possess an unprecedented authority under the Commonwealth,
to use whatever effective force to not only terminate any presumptuous,
arrogant and fascist abuses of my privileged belief, but to bring such
malevolence into compliance.
I do intend to advertise for appropriate legal services--because I don't
wish to have my actions as lawful opportunities prejudiced any further.
I have at 0930 hrs this morning on 7 March 2012 sought legal advice in
my matters by making contact with a legal firm Maurice Blackburn & co--I
only sought that advice after first touching and saying a prayer at the
Sydney memorial to the Christian Gathering in 1788. However they have
not responded in a sufficient timeframe--and the offer is extended to
which ever law firm, possessing such necessary skills and being apprised
of my public statements about those matters, makes contact with me on my
mobile phone to establish an appointment.
And again at 1335 hours on 7 March 2012 I attended at the offices of
Slater & Gordon lawyers with the view of making an appointment and was
told by the receptionist, that it could be made only via a telephone
I was ushered into a meeting room by her and she attempted to connect me
via a phone there--however it appeared to me that this was just
theatrics and the line was silent, and so I indicated my willingness to
return home and make the call from there. I remarked about this rouse to
a lady on my out of the building, how uncivil I found this whole process.
That’s two law firms eliminated.
What is it about honest weights in justice and a ternary conception of
Number that is so difficult for you?
I thereby have by such submission, a special Parliamentary Prerogative,
in having contributed my work in progress as notes of my complex system
of philosophical / theological belief to a Senate Committee Enquiry.
That the Church then, it's Institutions and people have in unrestrained
prejudiced conduct directed towards me, perpetuated by such voluntary
act and a determined will against the parliament, all Law and Authority
of the Sovereign Crown of the Commonwealth of Australia.
And given an awareness of the consequence which have been my judgements,
there is a compulsion placed upon Cardinal George Pell should he return
to and retain sufficient bodily strength. If not he, then another who
shall bear it in his stead. For him to proffer a confession over their
transgressions as prejudiced sins committed against me and to make an
appropriate restitution by the provision of Saint Vincent’s Hospital’s
forfeited property holdings, as the bestowal of a compensation for the
egregious abuses committed toward me by the Roman Catholic Church, it’s
remaining institutions and people--and the pervasive agreement amongst
Australians who expressed an apathy for change.
And if all others are too terrified, their past impertinence now
rendered impotent of speech, then hear such an apology from the Pope
this very day?
And if this action of mine is effectual in it’s undertaking (ie.
breath-taking), then there is no doubt as to the lack of truth in the
slanderous portrayal of my faith in God and his kind acts as watch care
of my soul, as somehow constituting a delusional belief (no-one had ever
given me praise, but only scorn for such belief) as the determined
wicked desire by others to dispossess me of mind, being and soul and any
hope for eternity. That such belief, indeed not only has substance, but
is capable of purposeful and directed action. Others who have
outstanding matters as failed obligations and duty towards me, will
certainly now be moved to act on those and to bring them to
resolution--why did I need to ask more than the once. Had there been by
others, even a modicum of public recognition as appreciation of my
work--I would not have had to resort to the laying aside of my pacifist
values and its regard of life. So as to bring sufficient action against
your indifference, to grab your attention as to the need to fulfil your
failed obligations. And to remind you about what you had forgotten and
had no remaining intention or concern for. That such action is not sport
as an enjoyable pursuit. But it was a most arduous thing, I have ever
done. And mandated entirely by your own evil towards me with a creeping
consequence which was no different, other than my capacity to be patient
for a day of retribution against you.
In the circumstance of Cardinal George Pell’s committed grievous sin
with no opportunity for grace, I stood alone as the non-Catholic with
others who were, to endure their same scorn, and then waited over 10
years, and heard not one voice from any other person who cared enough to
plead their cause as I have done, all that time as their faithful
brother who fought for them with God by my side and won it
overwhelmingly, when they were not capable of doing so for themselves.
And in that respect, no one is capable of condemning me for the actions
I have taken because of your failure and unwillingness to act.
17:09 (CST) hrs on 29 February 2012 @ WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) - A
lesbian woman from the nation's capital wants a Catholic priest relieved
of his duties after he denied her communion at her mother's Maryland
funeral because she lives with another woman, she said on Wednesday.
The local archdiocese has apologized for the actions of Father Marcel
Guarnizo, but Barbara Johnson, who is gay and lives with her lesbian
partner, said that was not enough.
Guarnizo officiated at a funeral mass for Loetta Johnson on Saturday at
Saint John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg, about 25 miles
northwest of Washington. He told attendees that only church members in a
"state of grace" would be allowed to receive communion, Johnson said.
Johnson said that when she approached, the priest covered the communion
chalice with his hand, "looked me in the eye and said 'I cannot give you
communion because you live with a woman.'"
The priest told her "in the eyes of the church, that is a sin," she
said. She and her family told the Archdiocese of Washington, which has
issued an apology.
Catholic church teachings condemn homosexuality, and the church
considers homosexual acts to be sinful. But the Archdiocese said in a
statement that questions about a person's right to receive communion
should be addressed privately and it was not policy to "publicly
reprimand" worshipers.
The Archdiocese would not comment on Guarnizo's status, citing the
matter as a personnel issue. Johnson said she does not want to focus on
the incident as a gay-rights issue but wants the priest to stop doing
pastoral work for the way he handled her mother's service.
"We're urging the church to make that decision, so that this doesn't
happen to anyone else, to any other families," Johnson said. "It's the
right thing to do."
"I think everyone has their gifts, and my family believes performing the
responsibilities of a parish priest does not fall under his list of
gifts," she added. [Gay woman wants priest relieved of duties after
communion, Joe Danielewicz, © 2012 Reuters]
Mason Barge (*** “It's a comment on human nature, and
especially people posting on the Usenet, that so many non-Catholic
people should even have an op[i]nion about the people to whom the
Catholic Church gives communion, much less think their opinion is
important enough to share with others.”
Joan in GB-W: (*** “It's a comment on human nature, and
especially men posting on the Usenet, that so many women should even
have an opinion about their sexuality and contraception. Let Rush lead
them into battle and forgive all of the partners of these young sinning
women. Gasp, and some of them might be or might eventually be your
Bill Steele (*** “It's a comment on human nature that so
many people posting on Usenet believe what they have to say is so
desperately important that they must cross-post it to irrelevant groups.”
Sword of Baal (*** “Oh yes and that URL does not have
anything like that junk quotes above. Want to try
again.................... ”
Cedro Wooley (*** “Of course it does. It
supports every example I gave in my post. You being a verified dick
sucking ass fucked homosexual would never admit that though.”
Sword of Baal (*** “Okay, but, with your permission,
I want to again try to disprove what I know are facts.”
Cedro Wooley (*** “Have at it, kangaroo boy.”
Sword of Baal (*** “That goes to show what a low bred
uneducated idiot we are dealing with here.”
Cedro Wooley (*** “Yes, you are correct
in your conclusion that my post shows, ‘…what a low bred uneducated
idiot we are dealing with here.’ What else could be said for people who
knowingly and willfully spread a deadly disease simply to satisfy the
sexual promiscuity.”
Sword of Baal (*** “Crap and lies cut[.] O[h] M[y]
G[od] there is nothing left !!!!!!!!!!!!”
When is Cardinal George Pell going to begin his public repentance
against the prejudiced conduct directed towards me, perpetuated by such
voluntary act and a determined will against the parliament, all Law and
Authority of the Sovereign Crown of the Commonwealth of Australia?
A letter of an outstanding legal claim was peacefully hand delivered to
St Vincent's Hospital on 3 March 2012 and following which a Rainbow Sash
was worn in a parade through the streets to advise all peoples of this
unequivocal association of claimed and substantiated Christian idealism
and Gay identity now being inseparable from the Commonwealth of
Australia's claim and advancement of ANZAC identity and idealism from
which such persons, by their continued antagonism towards the sovereign
autonomy of this nation--Are excluded.
That hell is now the destiny for all of you, who are similarly
indifferent to your obligation and duty towards others!